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After many years of loving my job and always excited to be at school, things happened one year that changed my whole perspective. My passion and my joy to help students and teachers had been stomped on and extinguished! A couple of years later, I had an Ah-ha moment. If someone who had embraced the calling to make a difference as a teacher and had such a strong passion for education as I did could be made to feel unwanted and incompetent, how many others were feeling the same and coping with similar circumstances? Out of that frustration, depression, and unhappiness grew this new mission and vision for my life! I have been able to embrace my passion and joy again! I want to help others too!

​​​​​​America's youth are our future! Take care of yourself so you can take care of them! 

Let us help you hold onto your passion for teaching 

or let us help you find your joy again! 

We want to keep teachers in the classroom!

Companion Workbook

for Book Studies

will arrive soon!

What an honor it is for Jack Canfield to agree to write the Foreword for my book!!

I have had the privilege to know him personally, to train under his guidance and to assist him at his Dallas "One Day to Greatness" seminars!   

Dr. Cheri Sizemore

 Cheri has been authorized to lead a workshop, seminar or conference for your school, district or organization based on Jack Canfield's

Best Selling Book,

The Success Principles.

Helping to keep quality teachers in the classroom!